31 oktober 2022 Actions against ‘short-muzzled’ dogs are beginning to take apocalyptic forms. In our view, this is due to the lack of nuance and the Dutch enforcement criteria. Nobody seems to have noticed yet that the limit of CFR
Abuse of ‘science’
Abuse of ‘science’ 16th of October 2022 In the analysis of the parliamentary inquiry, a passage that has a considerably broader scope than just the gas extraction problems in Groningen caught my eye. The debate between the KNMI investigations -commissioned
Dutch enforcement criteria for short-muzzled dogs (2019) affects more than 48 breeds
3 October 2022 By mixing up terms like ‘brachycephaly’ and ‘short-muzzled’, more than 48 breeds are affected by enforcement criteria drawn up on behalf of the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality. The scientific articles on which the enforcement
Handhavingscriteria voor kortsnuitige (2019) honden treft meer dan 48 rassen
3 oktober 2022 Door het door elkaar husselen van termen als ‘brachycefalie’ en ‘kortsnuitig’ worden meer dan 48 rassen getroffen door handhavingscriteria die opgesteld zijn in opdracht van het ministerie van Landbouw, Natuur en Voedselkwaliteit. De wetenschappelijke artikelen waarop de